Was ist Zitieren? (B) – Yeji

05 Bruno Latour: Das terrestrische Manifest

S.76 Z.8

S.76 Z.24

S.78 Z.30

S.83 Z.32

06 Merlin Sheldrake: Verwobenes Leben: Wie Pilze unsere Welt formen und unsere Zukunft beeinflussen

S.10 Z.19

S.22 Z.11

S.31-32 Z.27

S.35 Z.9

S.41 Z.14

07 Stefano Mancuso u. Alessandra Viola: Die Intelligenz der Pflanzen

S.133 Z.15

S.140 Z.8

S.146 Z.21

08 Rosi Braidotti: Posthumanismus: Leben jenseits des Menschen

S.194 Z.8

S.195 Z.31

S.197-198 Z.34

Videodokumentation: Latour

something which is really a New sonography and a different way to look at how we will now have to consider how to be and to represent the earth


being on earth, being alive on earth is not being a little character in the infinite space on the globe this is a very abstract idea of what it is to be on earth but to be located here as part of his vortex in probably a much more realistic way of understanding ourselves
